The last few weeks since Knowledge Seeker Workshop 321, we have learned that the Cup of Man, introduced by Mr Keshe, can help us to elevate our souls, as well as feeding and numerous other things that have not been revealed yet. Each person takes from the teaching according to his understanding and uses the knowledge and tools such as the cup to work on helping himself and others.

It can be quite frustrating at times to understand and not just copy what we are given in the teachings.

We are all building our cups, playing with the fields, and learning how the cup is actually a representation of ourselves and our field interaction within our body and soul. We encourage everyone who would like to build themselves a cup, to jump onto the website and order the cup of life. In the comments, please state that you want to make the Cup Of Man with the components and we will add the extra wires into the pack so that you can build it yourself. The purchase of this is by donation amount plus shipping and goes into the kfm coffers to build up our capability to support the Australian community.

We encourage all of you to build your own and use it to help others, as you can elevate your soul by elevating others and help to build the new fields within the environment of the planet so that we can help humanity.

Listen to an excerpt about the cup here.

The whole of this KSW 324 is really important about the cup.

We are also going to teach about the cup on the Northern Rivers Plasma Group zoom meeting this weekend, so if a member, please join us. If you are a member, you would have received the invitation.

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