We all know how powerful plasma can be at balancing the fields of our body to create harmony and ease, whether it be physical or emotional. We have been working for some time to bring new products to our Infinite Source range and find ways to make them even better. Having studied the properties of many herbs over many years the answer was quite obvious. Combine the natural wonder of specific herbs, potentize them with plasma at every step of the way and create a blend of the best that nature can offer with space age technology.

The best carrier oils are used to infuse arnica, hemp and comfrey into our soft but solid bar. This bar can be applied to any are of the body that needs the soothing and relaxing energies. A combination of waxes and butters allow the balm to sit on the skin for a length of time and can then give the plasma a chance to do its work. Slowly the oils will penetrate the area, creating the environment the body needs to help itself. This is a great way to create a energetic PATCH that will keep on working for many hours.

Each of these oils, arnica, hemp and comfrey have their own unique qualities that are recognised by current scientific studies. A basic google search will give you infinite answers.

These solid balm bars will not melt unless extreme heat is applied, but will glide onto your skin. Soothing essential oils of lavender and rosewood also help to potentize this formula. ( Please check for sensitivities to these two oils.)

Small enough that they can be carried with you. (You may even feel the energy when they are in your pocket)

The first in our new line of products combining PLASMA space technology and the wonders of natural herbs.

See our discounts for buying multiples of this item.

FLOW ( Balm Bar)





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