A booklet giving a short introduction to our body as a plasma
Each element matches with field strengths in the body
Carbon is the connector and communicator
Oxygen is the gravitator
Hydrogen is the energy giver
Zinc has the field strength of emotion
Copper is connected to the physical part (muscles)
Processing the Body is all about Field Transfer
Fields need to feed the body or restore balance in some way.
Imbalances or lack of correct field strengths in the body lead to discomfort, pain or disease. Often this is through an initial emotional factor which creates the blockage of normal field operation.
Plasma Rule Number One
The stronger always feeds the weaker until balance is created. We introduce strong fields the body may lack, and it absorbs until the fields come into balance. You do not absorb more than you need, as fields always come into balance.
Strong fields are introduced close to the body using various devices such as health pads, health pens, health units, breathing devices, to name just a few, all containing GaNSes which give off strong fields which the body may utilize, if needed, to bring itself back to balance.
Video of Short Intro to Health. From the Understanding Plasma Science 12 Workshops by Dr Rodrigo.

Our Youtube Playlist relating to plasma health.
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