We need to change the way we understand the whole concept of plants (as well as other life) absorbing water and nutrients through their roots and then these chemicals and water traveling up to nurture the stem and leaves. This may come as a shock to some, but NO MATERIAL EVER CROSSES THE ROOT WALL INTO THE ROOT FROM OUTSIDE.

Plants, like all living creatures, are in a GANS state. If you have a flow of fields, different MAGRAV fields and motion lead to a continuous absorbtion of the energy the plant needs to grow or sustain life.

Plants do not absorb water from their environment, they absorb the plasma energy of the water. The MAGRAV field strength of 18. One Oxygen and 2 Hydrogen.

This plasma unit field strength of 18 is then transferred into the root and transmutes itself, through interaction with the salts in the plants, into plasmatic water, or plasma field strength 18. This can now travel around the plant from a stronger to a weaker, traveling to where the water is needed in the plant.

The same can be said for any chemical. It has to either be part of an animal, such as a bacteria or fungi to also be in a GANS state, or dissolved in water to create a free plasma combination. This then allows the transfer of energy from the strongest to the weakest of any field strength you can imagine.H2O plus Nitrogen, for example will give a field strength of 32. That combined strength of 32 can now enter the plant if it is needed.

This is why rain makes everything so green. Rain is not just H2O, it has been combined with nitrogen from the air to create a free plasma structure.

The plant is now absorb much more than just water field strength, and so becomes more vibrant and green.

Just one way the plants use the energy from their environment without absorbing any matter at all.

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