Last night on the Knowledge Seekers Workshop Jim launched the two new sites we have been working on for many months to launch our Agriculture Training Program.


The coronavirus has overtaken all other issues and so the launch is obviously being done at a really difficult time. At least it is now available for any that may wish to study while they have time on their hands. I will add links later in the post for you to take a look at the sites.

In a way, the site comes at the perfect time to help the community by having One Cup One Life Kits available to the public. We have made the decision with the help of Mr Keshe to allow people to name their donation amount to receive the product. You can support us from 1 cent up to 1 million dollars per kit. Whatever you can help us with will allow us to keep on producing kits for the next person.

We have stocked ourselves with wire and other materials and Jim is adding the making of the kits to the long list of jobs needed to keep ourselves, the farm and KFM going in the days ahead.

We have done a 4 per person limit so that we don/t have issues with hoarders or stock levels.

Please let all those that are in Aus or NZ know that the website is up and running.

Here is the link  to the KFM Australia site.

Here is a link to the One Cup One Life Kits

We hope that this helps to serve the community

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