Our usual Northern Rivers Plasma Meeting will go ahead on zoom this month due to weird lockdowns and other restrictions. We would love to host all those people who could not be with us in person.

Here is the info.

Our next plasma meeting will be on the 14th August by Zoom and not in the hall. I miss our gatherings but this is more comfortable without having to wear a mask or check in to Services NSW. Hope the restrictions will end soon and we can gather again.
Here is Lisa and Jimmy’s write up about the meeting.

Hello everyone,
Our plasma meeting for August will be held on zoom. In these uncertain times, it is better to have an online teaching. It will also give us the opportunity to invite other participants from other parts of Australia and the rest of the world.
The idea behind the workshop is to become more knowledgeable about the protocols that Mr Keshe has shown to work to balance the body and to break down the reasons they are designed like they are. This will help us to use the tech to help ourselves in a more targeted way which will bring more successful ideas and protocols for all of us to use. Many find it confusing to create protocols for their needs. A step-by-step process can be used to help us decide how we should proceed to use our GANSES when we are ill.

We will share a range of protocols and break down why they are used explaining the plasma biology and concepts behind them.

Love to see you there.

Lisa MacDonald (EC Australia) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Northern Rivers August Plasma Meeting – How to Design Health Protocols to help ourselves.
Time: Aug 14, 2021 02:30 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 918 0635 4346
Best Regards
Jim and Lisa MacDonald

See you on Zoom.



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