Our soul, the principal field inside of us, is the creator of us and the reality we perceive according to us. The purpose of the soul is to give unconditionally as the fields just flow back in from the higher strength, which is the source, the Creator itself. The more you serve from the soul, the more space you create to allow for the fields to flow back in.

Your body is the ecosystem in a physical dimension of which you are the creator and therefore responsible for. To love yourself can somehow seem a strange concept, but not really, as you need to look after your as if it were your children. Every cell has a soul, every atom the same, and they are all a part of you, but not you at the same time.

Your emotions are a filter between soul and physicality, and so much of the ill health we create for ourselves is through a blockage of the ability to be kind to the physical part of you. You are responsible for it, and therefore need to nurture it. Love every cell, give to it from your soul so that it may thrive and be what it needs to be to make your ecosystem work in harmony.

In this way we can love and nurture our physical bodies in a way that will give them health and wellbeing. A garden that it loved and admired thrives with the attention and love, whereas one that it resented and disliked will never thrive.  Treat your body and all itself as a wonderful ecosystem of cells, all doing their job in harmony, and it will correct all imbalance as is needed.

Written for a special person who taught me as much as hopefully we taught her. Hopefully it will resonate with others and not seem like the ramblings of someone off with the fairies.

Here is the introduction to the Science of the Soul from the Understanding Plasma Science Series


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