Inflation around the world is rising and food prices often skyrocketing. Now is the time to find a way to grow some of your own food. Be it some herbs on your verandah, or a nice big veggie garden, you can increase your harvest and make your food much more nutritious by using  GANS and plasma to help your plants to grow..

If you are going through the effort of seeding, planting and nurturing your veggies, you may as well give them the best chance of becoming the best source of vitamins and minerals you can eat.

Add our formulas to the soil, spray them as a foliar spray or soak your seeds. These are all the ways to enhance the plants and give you the plasma energy via the plants when you eat them.

We are facing the next few years of a planet where food shortages, supply chain issues and weather patterns may severely impact your ability to source cheap, healthy food. Our range of GANS formulas from KFM Australia can grow vast quantities because only a tiny amount is needed in large volumes of water. It is not a fertilizer however, so you still need decent soil and water to give your plants a good life. They will supply your plants with added energies that allow them to give you better yields and nutrient density. Just remember when buying produce that just because it is organic, doesn’t mean it is nutritious. Just because it has been grown without harmful chemicals does not mean that it has great nutrient value. High nutrient values are only achieved when you provide all the necessary inputs that the plant could possible want. This is what the plasma does.

Start your growing journey today. Please send us feedback as we would love to share in your gardening journey.

See our range of products here.



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