Plasma Science has taught us that when we do not recieve the correct fields for proper operation, our bodies cease to function at an optimum level. Many of us use the 4 main GANS and other GANSes to help to boost our health and vitality and these give us what we need in the physical operation of our bodies.What is often overlooked however, is the fact that we are fed in a huge part, by the energy from our soul. If the fields coming from our soul are somehow filtered by emotional blockages, the lack of these energies cannot be compensated for by the physical GANSes alone.


We can help ourselves in two ways. We can add the zinc GANS which supports emotion This will help us to add the fields which we lack to become happier and more at peace with ourselves. The other thing that we can do is explore the reasons for our emotional blockages and clear them out permanently so that our own soul can feed us what we need and thereby clearing out the root of the problem which can manifest as a physical illness. To use the zinc GANS for this task, it isn’t enough to just drink a little liquid plasma and hope for the best. We need to become more aware of our emotional triggers, figure out what has set the problems in motion, and then work on the issues with tools like the breathing system to effectively clear the blockages.


Usually when an organ is affected, one can refer to modalities like German New Medicine to pinpoint a cause. Sometimes the trauma could be hidden from us through time as it is a combination of generational emotional issues that are carried from parents into our childhood. It can also be a RNA carried from previous generations, triggered by an event in life which carries the same emotion.


Our emotions are the filter between our soul and physicality, and so cannot be ignored when helping ourselves to create health and wellness in all aspects of our lives.


We will be attending the next Northern Rives Plasma Group on Sat 13 June where this topic will be discussed in further detail and our guest James Pask will be talking about his experiences in this area of work. We hope to see you there.

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