Many of us are now making GANS or are given GANS by friends or family. Often, it takes quite a bit of effort and we seem to have small amounts of GANS to use for our applications. We would like to have liquid plasma to drink, spray or even bathe in. The GANS from our Cup 1 and Cup 2 often seems like it is not going to do all the jobs we need it to do when we have to process the virus out of our system with a protocol of drinking, full outside support with towels wrapped around the body and some sort of inhaling.

Obviously one needs at least some reasonable amount of GANS to start off with, around 50ml or so.

Now add this to a 2 litre bottle of water. Instead of just waiting for it to settle down, shake it vigorously for a few minutes. This will ensure that your GANS has come in contact many times with the water molecules and the information is now heavily imprinted on the water.

This will help you to create more liquid plasma quickly and allow you to at least have a good supply to get going with your protocols.

Stirring or spinning does the same thing in sending the fields out further when using devices in our home or garden. A spinning reactor flows the fields out into the environment. The shaking, spinning or stirring the GANS in the water creates the same effect.

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